Launching of exhibition on the bicentenary of the execution of Ratsitatanina and activities around the figure of Ratsitatanina

Launching of exhibition on the bicentenary of the execution of Ratsitatanina and activities around the figure of Ratsitatanina:

  1. District Council of Pamplemousses: Essay Writing for Grade 6 pupils of primary schools
  2. Association du Développement de Pamplemousses (ADP):  Talk on the figure of Ratsitatanina at ISM Mauritius Ltd, Painting Competition and Mountain Hike
  3. Olakino 4 Ever Business Entrepreneur: sunday Capacity Building with Ratsitatane Talk
  4. National Forum for Colleges (NAFCO): Talk on Ratsitatanina

Konsey Sosial Organizasion Kreol (KOSK): Talk and guided tour of the itinerant exhibition on Ratsitatanina

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